On Dieting is an independent and unbiased resource that provides information about various weight loss solutions - books, diets, gurus and programs. Our mission is to provide brutally honest reviews based on our experience and feedback from consumers like you.
Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig is a very popular weight loss program which was founded in February 1985 in Australia. Since the very first days of the system being available to the general public, the company has rapidly expanded internationally – with offices and centers in most westernized countries across the globe. Read more »
Jillian Michaels
If you watch The Biggest Loser, then more than likely you’ve already been introduced to Jillian Michaels. She’s that tough chick on the show that helps contestants get into shape and meet their weight loss goals. In addition to being a trainer and life coach on The Biggest Loser, Michaels also maintains a popular website, daily newsletter, has a radio talk show, and is an AOL fitness coach. And if that isn’t enough, she has authored two books, published several DVDs, and even has a Nintendo Wii game – Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2009. She’s also an ambassador for the American Cancer Society. Read more »
Nutrisystem is both the name of a company, and that particular company’s product. Created in 1972 and quickly launched on to the NASDAQ stock exchange as a public company – the Nutrisystem weight loss program takes a vastly different approach to weight loss than most other popular techniques. Read more »
Flat Belly Diet
Flat Belly Diet targets the millions of Americans who want to take a few inches off of their waistline. The writers, Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass, both work for Prevention magazine; with Vaccariello (editor-in-chief) being the primary voice of the book and Sass (nutrition director) providing additional knowledge and insight. Read more »
3 Day Diet
The 3 Day Diet is a highly-restrictive, calorie-controlled diet that lasts three days at a time. It can be repeated indefinitely, but must be alternated with four to five days of “normal eating”. There are many versions of the 3 Day Diet, but the premise for all of them is the same – a calorie-restricted eating plan that, when followed precisely, should result in the loss of 10 pounds over three days. Read more »