
In this section you will find reviews of some of the well-known weight loss programs.

Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig is a very popular weight loss program which was founded in February 1985 in Australia. Since the very first days of the system being available to the general public, the company has rapidly expanded internationally – with offices and centers in most westernized countries across the globe. Read more »


Nutrisystem is both the name of a company, and that particular company’s product. Created in 1972 and quickly launched on to the NASDAQ stock exchange as a public company – the Nutrisystem weight loss program takes a vastly different approach to weight loss than most other popular techniques. Read more »


The Slim-Fast meal replacement system was created in 1977 by a small group of individuals in America. It increasingly gained popularity over the decades, until it was finally bought out by the health product giant – Unilever – in 2000. Read more »

LA Weight Loss

Of all the weight loss programs out there for people to choose from, the LA weight reduction system is one of the better ones. Being relatively new to the industry – the approach they take is similarly fresh. Instead of providing you with food parcels and forcing you to do this, eat that, and have a meal at this time, they leave the critical decisions to you – and simply coach you through the process. Read more »

Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating

Seattle Sutton is both the name of the owner of this weight loss program, and the brand / product itself. Initiated in 1985, the company is still family owned – and follows principals based upon Seattle’s own weight loss efforts when she was younger. Read more »