Jillian Michaels

If you watch The Biggest Loser, then more than likely you’ve already been introduced to Jillian Michaels. She’s that tough chick on the show that helps contestants get into shape and meet their weight loss goals. In addition to being a trainer and life coach on The Biggest Loser, Michaels also maintains a popular website, daily newsletter, has a radio talk show, and is an AOL fitness coach. And if that isn’t enough, she has authored two books, published several DVDs, and even has a Nintendo Wii game – Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2009. She’s also an ambassador for the American Cancer Society.

As with many fitness personalities, Jillian’s journey into health and fitness began with her personal struggle with weight gain. With those experiences in hand, Jillian launched Empowered Media, LLC with the idea of providing comprehensive, total life solutions to people struggling with health, weight, and negative lifestyle. The company’s motto: “Inspired by Jillian, empowered by you”.

Towards losing weight, Jillian uses a three-step approach which she calls, “self, science, and sweat”. This includes teaching you how to make lifestyle changes, eat right for your metabolism, and use exercise to help you meet your weight loss goals.

For people with regular Internet access, for a monthly fee, Jillian offers an online program which includes fitness advice videos, a calorie counter, access to weight-loss “buddies”, recipes and menu guides, question and answer section, exercise recommendations, and access to message boards. For those unsure of the program, there is a seven-day trial offered; but a credit card is required for sign up and we have heard that you may be charged for certain things during your trial.

All in all, Jillian’s program looks pretty good. It advocates lifestyle changes over instant weight loss and provides a variety of exercises to prevent boredom and burnout. However, there is also a level of demonizing certain foods going on which, for some, could be a recipe for failure – fear has never proven a good long-term motivator when it comes to weight loss. So, before you commit, do your homework. See what others have to say; especially if you’re prone to yo-yo dieting or binge eating.

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